Saturday, August 27, 2011

In Your Shoes.....

I have always been a firm believer in putting myself in someone shoes and think how I might feel or do in their situation. Sometimes you get a better perspective of that person's plight. I have been looking around me and first of all thinking about the Hurricane slamming the East Coast. I have friends over there that are enduring this, what if I were in their shoes. Scared of the unknown, devastation, loosing my home or maybe my life. I feel for all the people and animals that are dealing with this. I always think of my daughter, Melissa and her new Husband Jay who just got married last October and they lost the house they were living in. They are now living in a tent in her in-laws backyard. What if I were in her shoes? It would be very difficult dealing with that and trying to hold down a job but she is doing it with great dignity. I also have a friend that is leaving to be with her Mother who just broke her hip, went through surgery and now rehab. Her Father is undergoing surgery on his back on Monday. Thinking of how I would feel in her shoes, it would be quite overwhelming, both your Parents laid up with surgeries. Her Sis is anxiously awaiting her arrival. I could think of many circumstances involving friends and relatives that I can reflect on being in their shoes. Sometimes it makes you feel that your situation is not so bad after all, could be worse. I care so much about my daughter, my friend and the people back east and will continue sending my prayers to them......

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